Dance Books available locally

compiled by David Kirchner

This is an attempt to list all of the books related to contra and square dancing available within the St. Louis area. It is always under construction and was most recently revised on July 2, 1998. This list is compiled mostly from computer searches and should not necessarily be considered complete (and I offer no guarantees that any of these books are where they are supposed to be). Web links for libraries are at the end of the list.

An amazing online resource is An American Ballroom Companion: Dance Instruction Manuals ca.1490-1920 from the Library of Congress. It contains full text and illustrations for some two hundred books and pamphlets about social dancing published during that time period.


Childgrove Country Dancers lending library
Fontbonne College Library
Kirkwood Public Library
Southern Illinois University (Edwardsville) Library
St. Louis County Library
St. Louis Public Library
St. Louis University Libraries
University City Public Library
University of Missouri (St. Louis) Libraries
Washington University Libraries
Webster Groves Public Library
Webster University Libraries

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